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Deviation Actions

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Watermark Photoshop Action



Hello people!

:bulletyellow: My portfolio:

This Photoshop Action is packed with 9 possible watermarks, as seen in the preview image. It uses different blending options and the result depends on the background, so be sure to try the different effects to achieve the best result. It was made with Photoshop 7.0, so it should work with the newer versions as well.

:bulletorange: Installing Action:
1. Go to: PhotoshopFolder > Presets > Photoshop Actions
2. Paste the .ATN file there
3. In photoshop go to the actions tab, press the small arrow at the right of the panel and select the action from there.

Stock Image: [link]
By ~absense-stock

At the beginning of the action there's a Read Me step. Please read that first and if you still have any doubts you can post here and i'll reply as soon as possible. :reading:

I hope you find it useful ^^

:bulletblue: :bulletblue:
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excellent travail